A-Square Education Centre (“the Centre”) 賢坊教育中心 (“本校”)
We observe the regulations issued by the Education Bureau (“EB”) concerning adverse weather conditions and the following rules are formulated according to the directions issued by EB.
1) Typhoon signal issued before class 於上課前發出颱風信號
- When typhoon signal Pre-No.8 / No. 8 or above is issued, classes will be cancelled if the signal is in force 3 hours before the scheduled class time.
當天文台發出八號預警 /八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號,若該信號於原定上課時間3小時前依然生效,該課堂將取消。
2) Typhoon signal issued during class 於課堂進行期間發出颱風信號
- When typhoon signal Pre-No.8 / No. 8 or above is issued, classes are to be suspended and students shall return home under reasonably safe conditions.
當天文台發出八號預警 /八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號,課堂將暫停,學生應於合理地安全的情況下歸家。
3) Lowering or removal of typhoon signal 改掛更低或除下颱風信號
- All classes shall resume in 3 hours after the lowering or removal of any such typhoon signal Pre-No.8 / No. 8. or above.
所有課堂將於改掛更低颱風信號或除下八號預警 /八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號時的3小時後復課。
1) Red / Black rainstorm warning issued before class 於上課前發出當天文台發出紅色 / 黑色暴雨警告
- When Red / Black rainstorm warning is issued, classes will be cancelled if the signal is in force 2 hours before the scheduled class time.
當天文台發出紅色 / 黑色暴雨警告,若該警告於原定上課時間2小時前依然生效,該課堂將取消。
2) Red / Black rainstorm warning issued during class 於課堂進行期間發出紅色 / 黑色暴雨警告
- Once a class has started, it will continue for the full time allotted unless physical conditions in the Centre are considered to be dangerous. After the class ends, students are allowed to stay at the Centre until weather conditions are reasonably safe for students to return home.
3) Lowering or removal of Red / Black rainstorm warning 改掛更低或除下紅色 / 黑色暴雨警告
- If the class has already been cancelled per the above issuance of a Red / Black rainstorm warning, such class will remain cancelled UNLESS the student(s) / parent(s) and teacher(s) agree to it being resumed and provided that it is also reasonable and practicable for us to effect such arrangement under each particular circumstance.
若課堂已經因上述紅色 / 黑色暴雨警告的情況被取消,除非學生 / 其家長以及老師均同意復課,而該安排於個別情況下亦對本校屬合理及可行的話,否則該課堂將依然取消。
If any student have already set off for class when the typhoon signal Pre-No.8 / No.8 or Red/Black rainstorm warning is issued, the student/parent should inform the Centre immediately such that the Centre will remain open and staffed until proper arrangement are made for the arriving students to leave at the appropriate time. We shall use our best endeavor to act accordingly provided that it is reasonably safe and practicable for us to do so under each particular circumstance.
若學生於天文台發出八號預警 /八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號或紅色 / 黑色暴雨警告時已岀發往本校,該學生或其家長應立刻通知本校,以便本校可繼續開放直至有適當安排他們離去。如屬合理地安全及可行的情況下,本校會盡力因應個別情況作出上述配合。
1) Parents should make appropriate arrangements for students to leave our Centre to return home under the aforesaid circumstances of inclement weather.
2) Parents should exercise their discretion in deciding whether or not to send their children to the Centre at the time of inclement weather and should inform our Centre accordingly as soon as possible.
1) All classes suspended due to adverse weather conditions will be rescheduled.
2) If rescheduling is not workable, then the tuition fee for the missed lesson will be carried forward as credit to set off future tuition payment. Refund will be made only if the setting off as aforesaid is also not feasible.
For the latest weather information, please visit http://www.weather.gov.hk/school/main.shtml
If you have any questions, please call us at Tel: 2380-0868. For details, please visit our website www.asquare.edu.hk or check our Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/IGCSE.IB.Tutorials.
如有查詢,請致電本校 (電話號碼:2380-0868)。詳情請於www.asquare.edu.hk瀏覽本校網頁,或於https://www.facebook.com/IGCSE.IB.Tutorials瀏覽本校臉書。